On the road to Baga Gazrin Chuluu, you travel through the vast, open landscapes of Mongolia's Middle Gobi Desert. The journey offers a glimpse into Mongolia's rugged beauty, with wide expanses of steppe, rolling hills and occasional nomadic gers (yurts) dotting the horizon.
As you approach Baga Gazrin Chuluu, the scenery changes and you begin to see dramatic granite rock formations rising from the flat desert terrain. The road is typically a dirt track, reflecting the remote nature of the destination and offers a sense of adventure and solitude. Along the way, you might encounter herds of grazing livestock, adding to the feeling of being in a truly untouched wilderness.
The journey to Baga Gazrin Chuluu is as much a part of the experience as the destination itself, offering a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Mongolia’s natural beauty and vast landscapes.
Photography: Walter E. L.
in collaboration with High Asia Tours and Far & High
Special thanks to my guide Byambaa